Feb News

March 15, 2010

At 28th Feb, we have our very 1st baptism at the new worship place.  In the past, we did it 2 times near the sea side, 1 time at pool side, and 1 time using other church’s baptism pool.  This time, we have it in our new church.  This “baby baptism pool” was given by our dear pastor Tony from Taiwan.  Amazingly, it was really a foldable & movable baptism pool.  We could baptise people at anywhere and anytime.  God is always doing a new thing beyond our imagination.

 On 28th Feb (the last day of Chinese New Year), I shared about the story of Lazarus in an old folk home in Singapore.  How you could experience the new life again even when you think it is impossible. “Impossible is nothing” in Him.  When Jesus asked them to remove the stone of the grave, many are unwilling & grumbling with an unbelieved heart and mind “it is impossible ! No miracle! Lazarus is totally dead!” “Nobody can solve my problems”.  When we are willing to open our heart to let God works in it, we could be NEW again.  Nothing is Too Late for Him.  Praise God, an old ladies felt the hope & love of God, she rededicated her life to Jesus again.

Heb.11:6 So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.  We must learn to believe that He “rewards” and believe a father will always give the best to His children.    

As a new starting church, I need your continuous prayer support & partnership for His Kingdom.  We have begined 2 cell group at Febraury, and will start another 1-2 group at March.  Let’s work togther for His kingdom and let His name be grolified.

–          Joshua, The Lampstand Family-